Shaping Elegance with a Korean Jewellery Ecommerce Brand.

Weblozy transformed Mellow Jewellery's online presence by creating a stunning, user-friendly e-commerce platform. Using WordPress, PHP, and other technologies, Weblozy delivered a site with multiple payment options, dynamic pricing, and advanced coupon features. This project not only enhanced customer engagement but also increased sales, showcasing Weblozy's skill in developing custom e-commerce solutions that meet global demands.

Technologies Used


Mellow Jewellery, a distinguished Korean jewellery brand based in the Netherlands, aspired to expand its online presence. To achieve this, they partnered with Weblozy. The collaboration aimed to create a captivating e-commerce platform that reflects Mellow Jewellery's essence while catering to a global audience.

Client Requirements:

Mellow Jewellery envisioned an e-commerce website that showcased their diverse range of jewellery categories. They sought a seamless shopping experience, with multiple payment gateways, including iDeal, Stripe, and CCAvenue. Additionally, the website needed to support multi-currency transactions based on user location, with dynamic pricing and shipping conditions. Advanced coupon support was also essential to enhance customer engagement.


Weblozy started on the project with a strategic approach,using a blend of technologies to meet Mellow Jewellery's unique requirements. The development stack included WordPress for flexibility, PHP and MySQL for backend functionality, CSS and HTML for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity.

  1. Captivating Design: Weblozy crafted a visually stunning website that showcased Mellow Jewellery's exquisite collections with elegance and finesse.

  2. Seamless Shopping Experience: The e-commerce platform was designed to offer a seamless shopping experience, integrating multiple payment gateways to accommodate diverse customer preferences.

  3. Dynamic Currency Conversion: Leveraging advanced technology, the website dynamically converts prices based on the user's location, offering a personalized shopping experience with multi-currency support.

  4. Flexible Shipping Options: Weblozy implemented flexible shipping price conditions based on product categories and user locations, ensuring transparency and convenience in the purchase process.

  5. Advanced Coupon System: The platform was equipped with an advanced coupon system to drive customer engagement and loyalty, offering discounts and promotional offers to enhance the shopping experience.


The collaboration between Mellow Jewellery and Weblozy yielded remarkable results:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: The visually appealing design and intuitive navigation enhanced user engagement, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and retention.

  2. Efficient E-commerce Functionality: The seamless integration of multiple payment gateways facilitated smooth transactions, catering to diverse customer preferences.

  3. Personalized Shopping Experience: Dynamic currency conversion and multi-currency support tailored the shopping experience to individual user preferences, fostering a sense of inclusivity and convenience.

  4. Transparent Pricing and Shipping: Flexible shipping price conditions and dynamic pricing ensured transparency and fairness in the purchase process, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.

  5. Engaging Promotions: The advanced coupon system drove customer engagement and loyalty, contributing to increased sales and revenue for Mellow Jewellery.


The partnership between Mellow Jewellery and Weblozy exemplifies the power of technology in shaping compelling digital experiences. By using a diverse range of technologies and adopting a customer-centric approach, the project successfully met Mellow Jewellery's objectives, resulting in a sophisticated e-commerce platform that reflects the brand's essence and caters to the needs of a global audience. The project stands as an example to Weblozy's expertise in delivering innovative ecommerce solutions tailored to client needs, paving the way for enhanced online visibility and customer engagement for Mellow Jewellery.